Higher Level Techniques

Hello, and welcome to Higher Level Techniques. I have started this new page because as I have learnt and grown I have gained new insights and new techniques. Much of the information has come from my own experiences, but this is backed up by research and practice in order to bring into being techniques that can be used by all.
It is essential that you step up from the basic techniques, to the more advanced ones, then move onto here. This is because it gives a good grounding to your practice you really need to use the following information and techniques properly. This allow you to work with them properly with clarity and understanding. It is also recommended that you work through the meditations to understand the energies, or attend a meditation course. As with the meditations, there is a two day course including guided practice. Or after working with the meditations you could use the information here as a guide. I recommend that you follow the order the techniques in order, from cleansing, to attunement, to using the energies in shielding and other uses. This allows you to use them properly with good clarity and clear intent.
There are two key things on how to use the following information – Be fully prepared and use this wisely. If you do not it will blow back on you more than normal energy. This is because it is so much more powerful and has a more immediate effect. From this comes the fact that it needs to be handled that much more carefully by those that know what they are doing. So... A Warning. Approach this ready with a good idea of what you are doing and you will get good results, but if you don't... Then you probably won't like the result.
The 13 Chakra System and Self - Our Ties to Energetic and Physical Reality
So far, for the basics to do with the physical world we have been dealing with ten seven physical chakras. However, as I got more advanced and started using other energies it introduced me to the six etheric, or energetic chakras. These chakras, tying us to the energetic world, are companions to our physical chakras, allowing us to access energies that are not tied directly to the prime ethereal.
Doing research as I developed my ideas I found there are more than a few ways of looking at the higher chakras. The numbers themselves range from 12, 13 to 114. Through trolling through all the information as well as working intuitive with the higher understandings I have been developing since the spring Solstice. This is, as it has been developing and codified the basis for all of the higher level techniques and meditations. To understand this is the basis of everything underneath you need to understand this.
This uses 13 primary energy centres, seven relating to the physical body and five relating to the matter/energy interface. One is newly activated since the planetary shift of the Spring Equinox eclipse cycle, Planetary understanding. There are two ways the energy centres can be shown in relation to each other, the auric field and the way they show on the body. The auric field view is more extensive, the second one is how a disciplined energy can have it more compact and all in the body field. The former is many people, the latter are those that have worked to understand and work with their energies. Overall, with a description of the locations the 13 chakras are;
- 0th – Deep Base/Earth Star Chakra – Black - Anchoring Awareness -Located down under the feet, about sixty centimetres below the feet this is black chakra is the anchoring, dense chakra that anchors our energies in the world like the negative in the battery. In the unawakened it only performs this function, but as you awaken it also allows you access to the Black Disintegration ray of Universal energy. Far from needing to be feared, this allows us to let go of what we no longer need and recycle energy, cleansing ourselves. This is an natural energy that is the key to among other things, black holes, the matter recycling of decay and other processes that make the cycle of life possible. This makes it an important Chakra to understand. An energy Chakra, it allows us to anchor in the prime ethereal and came to being with the Base Chakra.
- 1st – Base Chakra – Red - Base Awareness – Located in the genital area, at the base of the spine, this chakra controls all of our survival traits, or awareness of survival. This includes our awareness of physical sexuality, hunger, thirst and other survival issues. This allowed us to incarnate as part of the first duality, this allows us to feel our life-force, as well as allow us access to the red light of universal life force as an energy. For this reason it is very important to pay attention to as much as any other Chakra. A Physical Chakra, it came to being when we incarnated as physical life from the soul nurseries.
- 2nd – Sacral Chakra – Orange – Total Awareness - Located in the belly, this chakra represents the energy of total awareness. A physical chakra, this allows us to fully see the material world, anchoring our perceptions. This has no connections beyond the physical world , but is connected to the 2nd Link Level as a personal growth milestone, mastering a key skill that enables us to use later higher developments, mastering total awareness.
- 3rd – Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow – Total Understanding – As a key development they do not get to be so big. This is the completion of a personal milestone, a personal skill that makes us complete in ourselves as a base and the skills that are needed to move onto the next levels and the next step of moving onto integrating into the higher levels. This is not connected to the higher levels but like awareness this is a necessary step to make other skills more important. This makes it important as a result as perhaps one of the most critical foundational levels.
- 4th – Heart Chakra – Green - Intergrational Awareness - The first of the Interpersonal chakras the Heart Chakra integrates many awareness levels from the outside. This Chakra helps us integrate not only the Pink, Universal Awareness energy (Hence the pink and green correspondences of this chakra). Anchoring this in correspondence is the integration of the energies is the 9th Chakra, the awareness of the higher planetary life force, which is located on the right side of the aura, in the anima feedback, commonly located on the right collarbone.
- 5th – Throat Chakra – Blue – Intergrational Understanding – This, like the 4th Universal understanding level integrates higher understandings into our awareness so we can use them as a part of our decision making. In this case it integrates the Blue universal understanding light, grounded by the 10th Higher planetary life-force understanding, a chakra which has only become active in the past few months since the Spring Equinox shift to the 5th Dimension. This means that those who can learn how to use this can make the most use of this ray, and the way it connects through then at the planetary level. This makes this a very important hub of evolution as the human soul group evolves with the planet.
- 6th – Third Eye Chakra – Indigo – Evolutionary Awareness – This level, one of clarity at a planetary level is the highest level of planetary awareness. This served in the evolution to this point to give us access to the energies of the highest planetary awareness levels, the akahistic record and other higher level awareness abilities, and still does. This means that we can use them as part of ourselves to help guide us as we grow and learn, or access to clairvoyant and psychic abilities. For this reason, despite being a physical, personal chakra, it is still very, very important.
- 7th – Crown Chakra – Violet – Evolutionary Understanding – This level, one of access to the highest planetary level of energy, is very important as it allows access to the soul blueprint and the highest access of the self. This allows us to know who we are as we grow, evolve and learn, bringing us back to who we are and the essential self. This also brings in the Violet Universal light ray, bringing in the highest filtered energy. This is the highest physical planetary chakra and the highest level of planetary energy, as well as bringing down the violet universal energy. For all of these reasons the importance to a persons evolution cannot be underestimated.
- 8th – Higher Crown/Star Seed Chakra – Clear – Higher Understanding – This is important for many reasons. The first is that it is the positive polarity to the Deep Base/Earth Star Negative, closing off our energetic circuit so it works. This is the chakra that also brings in the higher, Universal Platinum clear ray, the purest, all spectrum expression of universal light. This allows us to work with this key energy to cleanse, purify and attune ourselves. This allows us to work with the purer universal energy and enable ourselves to work with the universal energy as a whole, which allows us to keep us on a clear path.
- 9th – Planetary Anima Chakra – Deep Green – Planetary Higher Awareness – This Chakra, bought into being during the 1960's is our connection to the universal awareness. This makes it vital, not only for helping us understanding the earth. It is also vital to help anchor the Pink Universal awareness ray, making it aligned and useful in guiding our perception and purpose. This is situated on the anima circuit, when attuned situated on the right collarbone and connected into the Heart Chakra.
- 10th – Planetary Animus Chakra – Deep Blue – Planetary Higher Understanding – This Chakra, a chakra of the understanding, Animus side of the higher planetary life force. Only really coming to light with the transition to the 5th with the Spring Equinox sequence in the last few months, this Chakra has opened up the chance to understand and not just aware of the planetary life force. This has the role of anchoring the Blue Universal Understanding energy, making it useful for both us and in working with the planetary energies. This allows us to use and understand both energies fully in this planetary plane. Situated, when attuned, in the left collarbone and on the gold animus energy arc, this is understanding the life force of the planet itself.
- 11th – Anima Chakra – Silver – Primal Dark – This Chakra has a dual representation. Situated in a pivotal spot, between the Higher crown and the crown it allows us access to two important things – the energy of the primal dark and the anima energy in our own soul. It allows us to feel and access it, for it to help give us structure through being half of what has been known to be called the Kundali Serpent, the silver half. This makes it a very important structural chakra within us.
- 12th – Animus Chakra – Gold – Primal Light – Like the 11th Charka, this has a dual purpose, being the access to both the primal light energy and our own anima energy. This sit on the right side, between the Higher crown and crown chakra, on the Animus circuit. This forms the other half of the circuit that is the kundali structure, the gold animus serpent. This allows the system to work with anima by giving it the framework by giving it form. This makes it a very important structural element, last but not least.
In time I will put up a diagram as I draw it and scan it, bit for now the descriptions can give an idea of how the eergetic, or etheric, chakras filter thorugh the physical and how they all work. The reason why the etheric ckakras filter through the physical to make the energies they represent as useful to us as physical beings. This is because in order be useful in the physical plane energy must have a way to manifest, in this case, through our physical chakras. Our six ethereal, or energy chakras, in effect, manifest in us through our physical cha-cha system. This means that we need to take care of our physical chakra system no matter how far advanced we are, as this is the main system we still work with. This is still the one I work with mostly, the others filtering through them as I am in the physical, though I am starting to work with some direct. This makes working with the physical chakras to keep them clear vital, as this ensures that anything coming through is charged with pure purpose. Only this way can you work with the energies below through them.
Akh'Hon Kyshera Dkhall Kre'Mashen Arkhense
Higher Planetary Life Force - Our Deep Prime Etheric Connection
There are two types of higher level energies going through our chakras, the higher Level Planetary Life Force and the Universal Energies. The universal energies, discussed below connect us to the energies beyond this planet. The Higher Planetary Life force connects us at a higher, more spiritual level to the earth. This supplements our understanding of our reality with understanding of the prime ethereal. This is the higher life force, the rhythm and true heartbeat of life on this planet and the core of the energy of the prime etherial.
This is not something that most will think of directly working with, but many have, and still do without realising it. Using essential oils is an example of using this and so is using flower essences or herbs in spells. Using it directly is rarer and something that is more advanced. This is not the ether of Wicca and Witchcraft, which is the ether in us, our ethereal life force. This is the energy of the earth, the life force of the prime ethereal plane connected to this planetary prime material.
This life force, the life force of the planet, is like us a mixture of anima and animus. This mixture, forming the core energy of the prime ethereal, is the life blood of the planetary energy and the energetic twin to the prime material. The first real, direct contact with this came with the 1960's with the shift to the 4th energy dimension, unlocking the deep green planetary life force awareness. This was followed with the shift to the 5th energy dimension started in 2012 and completed with the spring equinox cycle and the activation of the Higher planetary life force Understanding. This means that we can now start to work directly with this energy through the newly activated Universal life force chakras, the 9th (Awareness) and the 10th (Understanding). These, filtering through the corresponding Intergrational level chakras are allowing us a new insight, understanding and ways of working with these higher energies.
What these energies coming directly available is showing us is a a new way of appreciating and working with our living planet. Not to all, sadly, but hopefully this awareness will come through in time to save us and life on this planet. But it does give people who look quite an insight. As we look around we see it all around us in the form of the most dominant life form on the Planet - Plants. Though some might see it differently I see it as a deep grey green, with a little more blue in the last few months with the shift as a total energy underpinning the prime ethereal. This is an excellent grounding or energising energy, hence the reason why it is often used in herbs or oils. To a great extent this is also the latent power in crystals that we program when using them.
What is new here is that we are looking at using it directly. As with the above universal energies this is something that we have to be careful in using because it is powerful. This is something to use with co-operation of the earths prime ethereal plane. I first encouterd this through being invited in to be grounded by a tree, and went from there. This energy, closely aligned with plants and fey, are useful to ground spells, make energy work more powerful and works to create a solid effect on this planet. It is also what you work with when you modify space, when you mediate and work outdoors and when you work with plant energies. One to be respected and reflected on, this is a compliment to the Universal energies and such as powerful. While there will be more information on how to use these energies in later techniques and meditations the basic uses for this energy are mostly to do with actions such as grounding, Centering and other 'Heavier energy work that we may encounter. It may also be used directly for earth based work in some traditions that work closely with nature and associated energies.
Used well this energy can do very good things. This can be by itself or through grounding their comparative universal energies so they can be used to enact concrete action in the prime ethereal, therefore the prime material. This requires clear intent and clear goodwill. Like the universal energies above this will rebound on you in a powerful way. Look at the techniques below to get an idea on how to use this, or look at how herbs and oils are used in your tradition for guidance. A good way to get a feeling for this is to walk around where you have contact with nature, touch a tree etc... To get a feeling for this. Once you do you will find this a very important and useful energy.
Akh'Hon Kyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Arkhense
The Universe Energising Us - Higher Level Energies
We are all familiar with the chakra levels as energy levels if we have worked and learnt with the basics. They are, however, just a component part of the realities of energy, where it is just the lowest set of seven, one of three. To understand this, how this works, and how we understand higher energies we need to look at the whole picture. I have been learning this in the last few Initiations, the last few months as I have advanced. I am sharing this here for those that are at a more advanced level, something to look at as you proceed to higher work going through from the higher levels of the 5th, now very accessible to those who wish to try and work with higher energies.
The first basic you need to understand about this is that there are three levels of seven each. The three levels represent three levels of total evolution. They are the planetary, the Galactic and the Universal. They all represent a level of complete evolution, a level towards evolving towards the highest level of the Universal which is our goal. Some may call this source, some creator, some Universal energy. It is all the same thing, however. A short description of each is;
- Planetary Level - This is the level that spirit comes to being and comes alive. This is the first level of being, the first level of growing into ourselves. This the level we are on at the moment as a human incarnation cycle. Many incarnation cycles will go through a planetary reality, we are the third on this planet. The first was the Draconic and the second the Feyan. I have no doubt that we will not be the last either, with something coming up behind us. Or that there are many planets worth of incarnation cycles going on now in our galaxy, let alone the universe, bringing through other energetic beings. This, across the universe, is the level of establishing the skills and understandings we need to proceed further.
- Galactic Level - This is the mid level of the three, with it's own seven representative rungs of progress. This is the level of progress in between our effective primary school level and the Universal level. This is a higher level energy past the eighth gate overall, one that we do not really understand but can occasionally use. The energy we use here comes from a lot of other places, called rays, and often used in light work. Here the energy is higher, purer and still useful for aiding evolution - If used correctly. Look to light work sources for this.
- Universal Level - This is the highest level, the source level and a source of all energy filtering through. This also has it's seven layers, The seven rungs towards the universal source. Here we have representations of light, dark and the five link levels coming through to help people who are high enough to understand them evolve further. With the planetary level going up to the 5th, Universal Understanding level these are more accessible since the shift, but you still need a further level of growth to use this. Also used by light workers, for others this is a part of us that sustains us but us not accessible to us.
All of these levels have the same basic rungs, the 3 x 7, or the 21. As a general rule the basic levels mean;
- 1st Energy Level - The foundation level of a reality, for us this is the base chakra. This is the basic survival level of any level of reality and all have them. This allows the first interface and growth into it. Without this a being could not work and survive at this level.
- 2nd Energy Level - This is the total awareness of a level of reality, in our case the Sacral Chakra level. This allows the all important full awareness of this level, allowing us to understand and proceed further. For this reason it is a very important level of any level of reality.
- 3rd Energy Level - This is the level understanding, or sentience at this level. In us this is the Solar Plexus Charka, the level that we became aware, or sentient. This energy level allows the toolkit on a level to be completed and creates the opportunity to grow into the flow of the specific level of reality.
- 4th Energy Level - This level of Intergrational awareness is the one that allows us to grow into a level of reality. In us this is our Heart Chakra level. This allows us to grow into a level, to become aware of the higher energies in it, and the way that you interact with them, making it an important level of reality.
- 5th Energy Level - This is a level of Intergrational understanding that is as important as it's awareness counterpart. This allows a full integration into the higher realities, allows us to evolve and be a full part of the level. In us this is our Throat Chakra and our level as an incarnation cycle.
- 6th Energy Level - This is a level of Evolutionary awareness, and allows access (or integration) into the highest energies of the particular level. For this it our Third eye, performing a similar function on other levels. This allows us to see and grow into higher reality.
- 7th Energy Level - This is a level of Evolutionary understanding and a level of preparing to move onto the next level. In us this is or crown Chakra. It is a level of access to use and grow into to understand who we are as a whole and move to the next level. In the lower two, Planetary and the Galactic, it allows us access to universal level energies.
These three create a ladder as we grow and learn. We are, at the moment, on a planetary level, but we can get access to universal energies at a greater level due to the planetary understanding level. To give an idea of how this works on all levels look below at how these play out as a general rule;
- 1st Level - Base Survival on all three levels, Planetary, Galactic and Universal.
- 2nd Level - Total awareness of any level, Planetary, Galactic or Universal.
- 3rd Level - Full understanding on any level. Basic sentience on the first, total understanding of the level on the Galactic and the Universal as well as the planetary.
- 4th Level - International awareness of the level you are on, Planetary, Galactic or Universal.
- 5th Level - Intergrational Understanding on all levels, Planetary, Galactic and Universal.
- 6th Level - On a planetary and galactic level Evolutionary awareness. On the universal level it is the beginning of growing to the universal flow, growing into the awareness level.
- 7th Level - On a Planetary and galactic level this is a level of Evolutionary understanding and going towards the next level. On the Universal level this is growing fully into the higher reality.
In terms of what it means for us this means that we mostly work with Planetary energies, but have some access to galactic rays (mostly used by light workers), symbols of other races evolution. The one that I use mostly is the filtered universal light. There are five levels of this, corresponding to the link levels. This is the levels that we connect on, the levels we have in common with others and connect to others on. There is information on the basic link levels elsewhere on the site, here we are focusing on the higher representations as they flow down;
- Black (Decay) Light - This may sound horrid, but it is essential. Things need to end to begin, black holes exist to change things, we all die and are reborn. Linked to the Deep Base/Earth Star Chakra, this is an essential part of life.
- Red (Universal Life Force) Light - Linked to the Base Chakra at the first link level this links us to the universal life force, allowing us to feel and grow. This is an essential part of life as well, a more accepted part than the black, and a base part of life.
- Pink (Universal Awareness) Light - This light, in this context the higher light, is higher because it is better filtered, Awareness being the first, therefore better mastered skills. This means that in this context it is reversed. It is the light of universal awareness, of understanding the higher realities. For this reason it is very important.
- Blue (Universal Understanding) Light - This blue light is important as it is the higher octave, the galactic octave, of our Throat Chakra higher understanding. This allows us to see the Galactic understanding. For this reason this is very important.
- Violet (Higher Evolutionary) Light - This light is a light of the highest filtering, good for cleansing and clearing. Associated with the Crown Chakra and the evolutionary level, this is the light of the highest filter. Good for a lot of general work as well as clearing and divination, this is truly a good light to work with for many reasons.
As well as this five there are three more basic higher energy lights, supporting the other two. They supplement the five diffused rays and giving it structure.
- Clear (White/Platinum) Light - Associated with the 8th Higher Crown/Soul Star Chakra this is the highest and purest energy to work with. Use in clearings, cleansing and purification especially, but good for a lot of reasons. Work with this for a lot of purposes.
- Gold (Animus) Light - Enshrined within us in the 12th Animus energy chakra and linked to the energy system, this light gives us part of the ladder in us. This forms the Animus, or male and primal light part of the Kundali serpent so we work with it every day. This is how we will work with this a lot, but there may be other uses to this primal energy.
- Silver (Animus) Light - This allows access to the Anima energy, or primal dark within us. Enshrined in us in the 11th Anima Energy Chakra, this is a vital part of our energy systems. Like the primal light it is a energy we will use more often than not in the Kundali serpent but will have other uses as well.
An explanation of the Chakras above links with this, showing how these energies come to light in the energy chakras, filtering for effect in incarnation through the physical chkaras. This is because, without this, they would not be able to work through the ethereal barrier to the prime material. Through this filter system we can have access to them and use them.
As for how we use these energies as they are come through, we have to use them carefully. This is because they are higher level, more powerful and therefore will have a lot of consequences. This means greater laws of return, greater impact on you and others. Be very clear in your intent and ensure it is good. There will be techniques to use this, mostly with the platinum/white and filtered light. They can be used in meditations, self energy work, energy work on others as well as in spell and ritual work. Meditations on this will be included in Higher Level Meditations and Techniques with Higher Level Techniques.
But, before you read on, I should should sound one, final, note of caution. Use these energies especially with clarity and clear intent. Steps you can take to assure this include getting to know the energies through meditation, cleansing and attuning to them before you use them. Meditations to get to know them are in higher order Meditations, and This means that you will understand the energies and have the clarity to apply them, giving you an edge in applying them properly. You will also get to know them better with any use, allowing you to apply them better with time. But without the grounding and attuemnent to these energies you will not be able to use them well at all, so that is a big first that is greatly recommended.
Akh'Hon Kyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Arkhense
Universal Light Cleansing - Clearing the Self for Clarity
Cleansing and clearing ourselves is a basic part of working with energy, so our energy is pure and cleansed. This is no different when working with the higher energies. Here, Wether it be to help your evolution, or just to keep yourself pure with pure intent as you work with higher energies. Infact, this is especially important when dealing with these highest level energies as they are so much more powerful.
There are three cleansing here that can be used for many reasons. The others are good to do pre-ritual or whenever you feel you need to, either because of your environment or any other reason. It is also good to do it regularly to ensure your system is clear and working properly, especially if you are an energy worker or someone that deals with others problems, day in day out. As a form of self care this allows you to be the best for both yourself and the clients combined with attunement.
Universal Shower Cleansing
This is one that I started doing for myself to cleanse myself of all of the things that were coming up through my purifying and reconnecting initiations. This allowed a while painful accelerated clearing out of all of the past and present life obstacles. While you may not be going through as dramatic a process, this may help you stay clear, align to your process and accelerate your development as you clear out the dross that affects your purpose and keeps you down here. Or, if you do a job such as energy work where you absorb a lot of problems allows you to keep yourself clear. There will be two variations written about here, a Platinum white and a multi spectral. The difference is the type of universal energies used to do this.
This takes a method to secure your area coming out of the meditations using a crystalline tank, which will be explained again here. This is to ensure that no matter what you have, a bath or shower, you can bathe in the energies to clean and cleanse yourself in spirit as well as in body with safety.
- Step into your bath or shower. Touch the sides, and using the shielding techniques above, and put up a light shield, or the crystalline version if you wish. As you get to know them you could also use the higher level shields below. Once put up run your bath, or start running your shower.
- As you do go into yourself. Feel first the seven physical chakras, feel them pulsing in the life, connecting to the Higher Crown, or the Soul Star Chakra and the Deep Base, or Earth Star Chakra. These chakras, etheric energetic chakras are the seats of the other energies. Feel them.
- Feel their connection to the higher energies. Feel the energies come through – Black (Deep Base), Red (Base), Blue (Throat), Pink (Heart) and Violet (Crown). Bring them through and fill your area.
- Strip yourself to the essential energy and feel the energy permeate for a moment.
- Feel yourself washing the soul as well as the body as you wash and rinse off. Rinse off a little longer if you like to fully take advantage of this effect.
- After you have washed through, dry off after draining your bath (if you are in one). Feel the effect complete as you dry yourself in the charged area. Afterwards drain your box and move out, dispelling it if necessary.
- As you go through your after shower routine re-establish any basic defences and auric energy you carry around in your daily life. Go on with your day, feeling refreshed and clean.
Platinum White Shower Cleansing
This shower cleansing, using the platinum white light contained in a white light box, is aimed at letting the life force soak up the pure, universal energy, letting it cleanse the spirit. Once set up this I simple case of washing as usual and then drying off, pulling yourself to normal as you do. This is especially good for light workers and others who deal with a lot of other peoples problems, enabling them to cleanse daily to ensure that you are ready to for anything. You may choose to use oils with this after to continue the effect. I, as always have, have a routine with this. You may or may not choose to do this. Look up your tradition and other traditional correspondences for guidance on this as I tend to do things very differently, and intuitively, to others.
Here a shower is actually quite good, as it is an artificial waterfall, an artificial sign of natures purity. In that way the symbolism of this day to day activity can become quite powerful. This is not to say that a bath cannot also be powerful. You may choose to use drops of your favourite essential oil, for instance, or a visualisation of your favourite closed body of water, such as a sacred lake. But in it's own way this modern thing called a shower can be very powerful if used right.
- Step into your bath or shower. Touch the sides, and using the shielding techniques above, and put up a multi-spectral light shield, or the crystalline version if you wish. Once put up run your bath, or start running your shower.
- Go into yourself and feel first the physical chakras, then moving through them to the Higher Crown/Soul Star and the Deep Base/Earth Star Chakra. Feel the chakras, feel the platinum white energy coming through the Soul Star/Higher Crown Chakra.
- Fill the space with the Platinum/White energy through the space.
- As you prepare to wash feel intutivley the pure, platinum white light through your shower or bath. Let yourself go to the essential self and wash yourself, feeling the spirit cleanse as well as the body. Feel yourself washing the soul as well as the body as you wash and rinse off. Rinse off a little longer if you like to fully take advantage of this effect.
- After you have washed through, dry off after draining your bath (if you are in one). Feel the effect complete as you dry yourself in the charged area. Afterwards drain your box and move out, dispelling it if necessary.
- As you go through your after shower routine re-establish any basic defences and auric energy you carry around in your daily life. Go on with your day, feeling refreshed and clean.
Multi -Spectral Shower Cleansing
This is like the above technique in that it uses universal energy, but unlike the other technique in that it uses the whole spectrum of filtered universal light. This allows a cleansing on the link levels as well as a letting go what is no longer needed through the black. This is what I used during my accelerated cleansing to great effect. It may not be comfortable if it is bringing up unpleasant stuff, but it is very effective at clearing what you no longer need. This may be blocks or beliefs in your being, energies you have picked up from others or corrupted environmental energy you have picked up in your time.
Use this with intent to be pure because it will purify you, sometimes to a dramatic and not always good feeling. However, this is because it is so effective at clearing out what you no longer need and renergising you to replace it. Use this with intent and it will serve you well in cleansing and purifying you in your continued work and evolution.
Here, as above, the shower has an unintended use as an artificial waterfall, a sacred idea of purification. However, a bath can also be enhanced with your favourite essential oil or the visualisation of a place such as a sacred lake to make it feel special. Oils may also be used after, as a part of bringing up basic defences, to assist with the process of keeping this clear.
- Step into bath or shower.
- Touching the side of your bath or shower, establish a box of the Multi Spectral shielding above.
- Start running water and, once again tapping into the chakra points to access the five energies, fill your space. This may be heavier towards one than the other, don't worry. This is showing you what you need to cleanse and be clear of, or perhaps need to re-energise. Work with it.
- Wash as normal after letting go to essential self. Feel the self cleanse and align as you pay attention to the body, and how you are cleansing your spirit and aura as you clean your body as well as your spirit.
- After washing, allow water to drain and dry off in charged space.
- Once you have done that step out after draining the space, collapsing the box behind you. Bring yourself together with the morning ritual of getting ready to basic defences.
Pure Energy Universal Cleansing
While the shower cleansing may be a good regular cleansing to do to keep yourself clean and clear, you can't always take this with you. One option is to do a meditation in the same way in a box, but this also takes time. For those please refer to the companion page higher level meditations. This is about doing a quick energy cleansing that can be used anywhere, any time. These two quick energy cleansings are useful for both emergencies, when you feel off during the day as well as at the time ritual preparations.
Listed here will be three cleansings, one a pure platinum/white, the other a full spectrum. I won't be putting down a specific spectrum here, but you can experiment with how to do it yourself. Overall, though the full spectrum is probably more effective in most circumstances. That is more useful in attuments, which are coming up next, as a way of attuning your purpose to the universal flow, rather than cleansings.
Universal Full Spectrum Quick Cleansing
This technique uses the full spectrum of energy in a quick format, through the aura only this is a short, simple way. From this comes the modified specific spectrum (Recommended to only use after attunement) short form of cleansing.
- Cast a form of shield, crystalline or white light. Once you learn them you may use the higher energy shields.
- Go into yourself and feel your Chakras, first from the physical seven, then going deeper to feel the energy chakras, from your Deep Base/Earth Star to your Higher Crown/Soul Star. Feel these as energy points, focussing on the Higher Crown.
- Focus on the chakras that bring in the filtered universal energies. Begin at the Deep Base/Earth Star Chakra (Black), Base Chakra (Red), Throat Chakra (Blue), Heart Chakra (Pink) and the Crown Chakra (Purple).
- Combine all of the energies above your chakras, feeding the energy back down through the crown chakra through your system.
- Bring it down through all the chakras, feeing it soak through the meridians they control through your system. Breathe to three for each chakra, clearing and cleansing with each breath out. Repeat down to the Base chakra, and if you feel you need it, the Earth Star.
- Ground the energy, taking three breaths again. Feel it cleanse you totally, coming back out. Close off your higher crown and let yourself settle with the new, cleansed energy, coming to awareness.
Selective Spectrum Energy Cleansing
This specific, short energy cleansing is aimed at creating a specifically attuned cleansing. Best done once you are attuned and have some understanding through meditation this is something you can use to prepare for specific reasons and when you have dealt with a specific issue and need to cleanse, or just to give yourself some clarity.
- Go into yourself and feel your Chakras, first from the physical seven, then going deeper to feel the energy chakras, from your Deep Base/Earth Star to your Higher Crown/Soul Star. Feel these as energy points, feeling all their energies.
- Next feel the energies that you need. Select from black for clearing and cutting cords, Red for life force and healing, Blue for understanding and intellectually related problems, Pink for Awareness and perception related issues and Violet for clarity and higher understanding and vision.
- Feel the energies come through, bring it up above the chakras. As you do so bring it back in through the crown.
- Bring it down through all the chakras, feeling it soak through the meridians they control through your system. Breathe to three for each chakra as it goes through, clearing and cleansing with each breath out. Repeat down to the Base chakra, and if you feel you need it, the Earth Star.
- Ground the energy, taking three breaths again. Feel it cleanse you totally, coming back out. Close off your higher crown and let yourself settle with the new, cleansed energy, coming to awareness.
Platinum/White Light Energy Cleansing
This short, simple cleansing, using platinum/white light, is one that allows a quick, simple cleansing with no materials and little time. It also develops awareness of the universal light in it's purest form as well as allowing us a quick and multi-purpose cleansing.
- Put up a shield, Either white light or crystalline. If you know them well you may use a higher level shield.
- Go into yourself and feel your Chakras, first from the physical seven, then going deeper to feel the energy chakras, from your Deep Base/Earth Star to your Higher Crown/Soul Star. Feel these as energy points, focussing on the Higher Crown.
- Focus on the Higher Crown, feel it pulsate. Bring through the Platinum/white energy in a condensed sphere.
- Bring it down through all the chakras, feeing it soak through the meridians they control through your system. Breathe to three for each chakra, clearing and cleansing with each breath out. Repeat down to the Base chakra, and if you feel you need it, the Earth Star.
- Ground the energy, taking three breaths again. Feel it cleanse you totally, coming back out. Close off your higher crown and let yourself settle with the new, cleansed energy, coming to awareness.
Akh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkhall Kre'Mashen Arkhense
Attunement - Aligning Ourselves with Higher Purpose
This may sound like centring or cleansing, but it is a far more specific technique that works with attuning very directly and in a straightforward manner, rather than as an addition to cleansing, or understanding them through meditation. While there is an element of attunement to this, this is only one aspect of this. Pure attunement is about aligning yourself with these energies in yourself and ensuring that you have true clarity of purpose with them, and that alone.
Regular attunements are a good practice to keep up, along with regular cleanings. For this the longer forms of attunements down there are the best. This allows you to have a good handle on the energies in you, this allows you to continue using these energies with clarity and purpose. This may not sound very important, but you have to remember here how sensitive these energies are to misuse, therefore how careful one has to be in using them. What attunement, alone from other techniques allows is the ability to be able to be in synch with these energies. Being in synch is important because it allows you to work with these energies with the clarity you need to use them properly, understanding how they work rather than how you feel at the time.
It can also have the added benefit of allowing yourself a deeper day to day synchrony with the flow. The benefits of this can include a greater ability to bring abundance into your life, a greater understanding of the world, a greater feeling of spiritual and physical wellness and a greater connection to the planetary level and all around you. This is because you are more part of it, more a part of the world in all it's wholeness, and all a part of how it works. This allows you to fully engage day to day as well as in ritual and energy work. For this reason the energy attunements below are very important.
Higher Planetary Life Force Attuement
Higher planetary life force is, as explained before, the core of the prime ethereal energy of our planet. By attuning to this we are attuning to the flow of our planet, or planets life force. In attuning and syncing with this energy we are understanding the life force of our planet better, the energies we work with, and thus learning to work with the planet better. This allows us to work with not only the physical energies in us and our planets better, but also to ground and make better effect of the higher, planetary energies.
There are two types of attunements to this energy, a longer, deeper form and a shorter form. It is best to do this at a time when you have at least half an hour free, undisturbed, in a comfortable and safe location. You may want to record what you see and feel, any blockages that you can work on next time. This is about connecting to the energies, becoming one with them, syncing and then coming back. Shielding can be used, white light, crystalline light or when you get to know them, the higher form of shielding. It is best to go through cleansing and attuning before using the higher level shielding. When learnt though, it can be extremely effective in creating a safe environment to do this in. The deeper form is good for doing it the first time as well as regular maintenance use. The shorter form for top up use as needed for ritual or simply environmental reasons. The short attunement can also have a powerful grounding effect on you if you feel too 'light', or filled with too much higher energy.
Deep Planetary Life Force Attunement
- Sit or lie down comfortably, in a place where you are comfortable and you will not be disturbed. Protect yourself with shielding.
- Go into yourself, through the physical chakras first. Feel the seven physical chakras, activated. From there go into the deeper, etheric chakras. Feel the Polarity down the spine, feel the connections to the energy that comes off the Higher crown.
- Work your way down through the Anima and Animus Chakras, down the anima and Animus energy circuits till you feel the energy of the Deep Green 9th Higher Planetary Awareness Chakra and the 10th Planetary Understanding Chakra. Go into them, feeling their energy.
- Through this feel the flow of the planet. Feel the connection to the higher planetary life force, the feeling of deep connection to the life beat of ether. Feel it come up through the chakras as you breathe in, feel yourself merging with the energy as you breathe out till the energetic chakras all rotate at the same rate. Use breathing exercises as you wish. Feel the chakras fill and vibrate, cleansed and energised, connecting you to the etheric life force. Fill it flow through the anima and animus energetic connections, charging your energetic chakras.
- Feel the energy flow through the connection to the 4th Intergrational Awareness and the 5th Intergrational Understanding. Bring the energy up just above the chakras, feeding back through the crown to attune down, from crown to deep base. Feel the chakras rotate briefly as they align with the energy coming down, rotating clockwise once as they attune to the energy. Feel the energy come back and discharge through the higher crown.
- Close the Chakras, one by one, from crown to base. Feel them close after a final cleanse of the energy that is no longer needed with one deep breath.
- Feel your body as it is now as you come back to consciousness, feel it as you are now. Look around as you come to consciousness, noting the differences in how you see the world.
Short Planetary Life Force Attunement
- Find a place where you feel comfortable sitting or lying down. Put up a white light or Crystalline shield, or if you are familiar with it spectral shielding.
- Go into yourself and feel the physical chakras. Through feeling the physical chakras go deeper and feel the energetic chakras, extending down from the deep base and higher crown around you.
- Feel all the energetic chakras open, focusing on the 9th Deep Green Higher Planetary Life-force Awareness Chakra and the 10th Deep Blue Planetary Awareness Understanding Chakra. Feel their energies as they open to the planetary life force, bringing it through. Feel them as they connect through, bringing through planetary life force energy. Feel it go through the system, energising it.
- Come back up through the connection to the 4th Heart Chakra and 5th Throat Chakra. Feel it come through the chakras, energising them.
- Bring the energy up just above the 4th and 5th Physical chakras and feed back through the crown chakra, down to the deep base. As you do feel the chakras rotate clockwise once and align, one by one, from the crown to deep base. With a final breath let go of what is no longer needed and close off the chakras, one by one, from crown to deep base, along the spine and connecting to energy.
- Before you come back out take a moment to feel yourself as you are now. Coming out take a look at the world, noting how you see if differently.
- Dispel your shield and get on with your day, or ritual.
Anima and Animus Energy Attunement
Taking the steps of the Anima/Animus meditation and going in deeper, this meditation activates and attunes the 9th Anima Chakra and the 10th Animus Chakra. These representative chakras, located just under the Higher Crown/Soul Star and the Crown, Anima on the the right and Animus on the left, allow us to have access not only to the primal energies of the primal light and dark plane but the anima and animus energies of our own soul. Vital for many reasons, this makes them two very important energetic chakras.
This allows the chakras to attune, bring the energies through and attune these important energies in your system both in the connection between physical chakras and the etheric chakras. This does not affect a particular chakra outside the 9th and 10th Chakra. What it does is affect the connective energies, energising and attuning the entire system. This is an important function as the connections determine how well the entire system works together, in a way making it even more important than any of the chakras.
As with the others there is a deeper and a short, top up attunement. Some may choose to do this before the above Higher Life-force attunements, which may work for you. This is, however, not always a good thing as you should go from planetary to higher universal energies rather than the other way around, and this is a universal energy chakra in its own way, representing the Primal Light and Primal Dark forces. For this reason I have this after the Higher Planetary Life Force.
It is best to do the long form first to attune and then move onto the short form as a top up. It is also a good thing to regularly keep yourself attuned as well as before doing any other work. This is especially true of energy work around those with high needs as a form of self care. This allows you to stay attuned and healthy yourself, being able to release what is not yours and keep only what is needed and healthy for you. It may also be a good idea of keeping notes on progress in a reflective journal or book of shadows, allowing you to track changes and progress as with all attunements. Keep a special note of energy blockages, their causes and how to clear them. These energies are really the lubrication of the bodies energy system, so keeping them moving is especially important.
Long Anima/Animus Energy Attunement
- Pick a place where you can sit and not be disturbed for a while. Get yourself comfortable, lying down or sitting and put up a shield. White light or crystalline is ideal and as you get to know the higher energy shielding this is also ideal.
- Go into yourself. Feel your physical chakras, feel them open. Go through them into your energetic chakras, extending out beyond the spine, through the Deep Base and the Higher Crown. Feel this Extend out through the energy system to the Planetary life-force Chakras and the Anima/Animus Chakras. Feel them open, feel the energy come through.
- Come down from the Higher crown to focus on the silver Anima Chakra and the Gold Animus Chakra. Feel the energy starting to come through, the silver from the Anima Chakra and the Gold from the Animus.
- Feel it as it flows through to the energy Circuits, feel it energise them as they start to pulse, the Gold and Silver Kundali serpent and the energetic arcs as they reach down between the polarities. Feel the pulse change, focusing on how it changes. When it moves in unison, in the same rhythm feel down to the energetic chakras. Feel the silver Anima Chakra and the gold Animus Chakra pulse in time with each other and the energy circuits.
- With one last Breath, focusing on the Arterial energetic chakras feel them change and grow, pulsing with energy. Close them anti-clockwise with one final breath out to rid them of what is no longer needed, moving back up the connections to the Physical Chakras
- With a final breath, close the physical chakras counter-clockwise, taking a final breath to discard the energy that is no longer needed. Allow to settle and observe your system.
- Come back up slowly, noting blocks, difficulties, changes. Allow yourself to see how differently you see the world.
Short Anima/Animus Attunement
- Pick a place where you are comfortable sitting down or lying and put up a shield. White light and crystalline shields are ideal, but if you have learnt the higher energy shielding techniques these are ideal as well.
- Go into yourself and feel your physical chakras along the spine. Feel these a a gateway along your spine to the Higher Crown and the Deep Base Polarity, through that feel all your energetic chakras activating. Move down to between the Higher Crown Chakra and the Crown Chakra and feel the 11th Anima Chakra/12th Animus Chakra axis. Feel it sending energy to the system through the circuits. Move to the circuits and feel them as they attune, till they pulse in time. Feel the chakras, feel them attune as the circuits do, touching them.
- When they all move as one close off the energetic chakras in a anti-clockwise pattern, taking a last breath to let go of the energy that is no longer needed. Moving to the Physical chakras, observing as you do.
- Close the Physical chakras, from the Base Chakra to the crown in order, taking the time with a deep breath to let go of the energy that is no longer needed.
- Come to conciousness slowly, feeling your body come back. As you do, look around, noting how you feel and what changes for you before and after.
- Dispel shield and go with day, or ritual.
Universal Energy Attunement
If you have followed the sequence you will now be on the Universal light energies. There are six universal light energies, Five Filtered, one unfiltered. The filtered energies are the coloured light rays, Rays that represent the universal energies on the same factors of existence. While some may not seem to be necessary they all serve a purpose. For a longer description look above at the introduction to the concept, but the basics that we are working on are described below;
- Black – Disintegration – Deep Base/Earth Star Chakra – This is the energy that on all levels recycled energy, ensures that what is no longer needed passes so that space can be made for something new and the energy recycled. This allows the old to die and regeneration to begin.
- Red – Universal Life-force – Base Chakra - This is the universal life force ray. This ray allows us to tune our life force to align with higher purpose. This has the benefits of cleansing us, energising us and allowing us to live more freely and authentically as a fusion of body and soul, not just the body.
- Blue – Universal Understanding – This allows us to take our understanding to higher frequencies, allowing us to have an understanding of higher levels of being. This allows us, in turn, to work with these higher understandings, bringing them down as inspiration, as new ideas, as innovations. For this reason this is a very important frequency.
- Pink – Universal Awareness - Heart Chakra – Unlike the rest of the notations of this this is a higher frequency simply because on a planetary level the awareness skill is the first developed, therefore the first best developed. This allows us to access and develop Universal awareness in our perception, allowing us to see more than our planetary reality as part of our perception.
- Violet – Universal Clarity – Crown Chakra – This ray, coming through the crown chakra, gives us access to the universal clarity of the universal core. This is our source, where we came from, and this connects us to that to help us grow and evolve towards it. This allows us to work with this pure source energy to help guide our evolution as part of our total understanding.
The unfiltered ray that we will be mentioning here is the Platinum white ray. This comes through the 8th Higher Crown/Soul Star Chakra, providing us with the clarity of the pure, unfiltered light. This pure Platinum/White light, a higher frequency of pure white light, is something we have only just recently been able to access, but is as important as the filtered energy. Multi-purpose like the planetary white, like a white candle it can do many things. It is also very good for clearing, shielding and protecting being very high frequency. It can be especially good against dark and malevolent entities (See shielding below). For this reason it is still a good one to attune to as well.
All of these universal rays above are important as they allow us to access higher energies to grow and evolve. In order to make best effect of these energies it is best to follow the order of attunements after a total Chakra cleansing. After this a good Anima/Animus attunement and attuning to the higher planetary life force helps to complete laying down the foundations. Those foundations are important in using these energies properly, especially the Platinum/White due to their high frequency nature. This allows us to use them properly and get the best results.
When you can use these energies properly by laying the foundations and attuning to them you can achievable great results. This is because you are more in line with the planetary foundations of life as well as in tune with the higher directions of evolution. This not only allows you to have feet on the ground but to know your direction, two very important parts of using these energies. If you do not the result can be far worse than with any planetary energy. There are five attunements, Two deep and three shorter attuments, designed to supplement the deeper attunements. It is a good idea to maintain the attuement regularly as well as regularly cleansing, recording progress, blocks and any events that come up. Through this you can not only maintain yourself but possibly kick start your spiritual progress.
Filtered Energy Attunements
These attuments work with the Earth Star to Crown Chakra and the universal filtered energies. This allows us to work with the filtered energies with the best clarity and focus we have. There are three attunements described below. The first one covers the Full spectrum and I recommend that you do first to fully attune yourself to the energies. There is also a quick full spectrum attunement, ideal for top ups and for specific reasons such as before rituals. There is also a specific spectrum attunement that can be used when attuning to a specific purpose. I recommend that you use this after learning about the energies and attuning fully to all of them, but is good for calling energy into a specific purpose or ritual work. As always , ensure that you are using the energy with clarity and clear intent, or it will rebound and not produce the result you like.
Deep Full Spectrum Filtered Universal Energy Attunement
- Find a place where you are comfortable and you will not be disturbed for about half an hour, lying down or sitting. Put up a shield, white light or crystalline. As you get more familiar with it a higher energy shield may be useful.
- Go into yourself and feel your physical chakras. Feel them as they open up, along the spine, to the polaric chakras, the higher crown and the deep base. From there feel the energy going through to the other four physical chakras, opening up.
- Go back through to the deep base, feeling the energy of the deep base as it opens up. Feel the clear black disintegration energy come through, feel it flow through the deep base and through into your energy system, just above your Deep Base Chakra. Feel that energy, take ten deep breaths, using breathing exercises if you wish, attuning your system to the energy. Feel your system attune to the energy it help you let go of what you no longer need. Feel the change with a deep breath, moving to the Base.
- Feel the base chakra, feeling the energy as it opens up. Feel the clear red life-force energy go through you, feel it energise and clear your life force of dead energy. Take ten deep breaths, using breathing exercises if you wish, feeling your life force attune and energise. With a final deep breath let go of the energy you no longer need, move to the Throat Chakra
- Feel the Throat chakra next, opening up and feeling the clear blue energy. Feel it come through the Throat chakra, taking ten deep breaths with breathing exercises if you wish. Feel your understanding clarify and bring in new inspiration. Take a moment, and a breath to expend ideas and beliefs you no longer need.
- Next go back down to the heart chakra, feel the pink energy come through the green chakra. Feel the clear pink energy. Take ten breaths, using breathing exercises if you wish. Take a breath to let go of what you no longer need in your awareness before moving to the Crown Chakra.
- Feel the crown chakra, feeling the clear violet clarity energy. Feel it come through the chakra, into your system. Take ten deep breaths, using breathing exercises if you wish.
- Connect the chakras down the axis of the spine from crown to deep base, connecting all the energies. Take a deep breath to feel them, feel them permeate. Let the energy flow through the gold and silver circuits, sending all physical and ethereal chakras rotating. When they all rotate at the same speed then close off anti-clockwise, one by one, ethereal to physical, moving up in order, taking a deep breath before closing off to shed energy no longer needed.
- Take a moment to feel yourself and take a cleansing breath before coming back out into conciousness, noting the changes in the way you see the world, any blockages, or yourself that you found in the process.
Selective Spectrum Filters Universal Energy Attunement
- Find a place that you can sit or lie down comfortably, undisturbed for about twenty minutes. Put up a shield.
- Go into yourself, feel your chakras open, going through from the physical chakras to the energetic chakras through the portal of the Deep Base and the Higher Crown Chakras. Feel them all open, feel the universal energies come through.
- Take ten deep breaths to feel your body remember the basic attunement. Select the energies you wish to attune to – Black (Disintegration), Red (Life force), Blue (Understanding), Pink (Awareness) & Violet (Clarity). Go into the associated Chakras, activating the energies. Bring the chosen energies above the
- Bring them into the crown chakra, bringing the energies down through the system through the chakra system down to the Deep Base, starting to rotate the chakras as the energy touches them clockwise.
- When they all rotate at the same time begin to close your chakras, in order from base to crown, energetic and then the physical, rotating once counter clockwise to close after a deep breath to let go of anything no longer needed.
- Once the physical chakras are closed come back to awareness, feeling yourself as you are now. Dispel your shield and go about your day.
Quick Full Spectrum Chakra Attunement
- Find a place where you can sit or lie down comfortably, putting up a shield.
- Go into yourself, activating the physical chakras. From there go down through the Deep Base and the Higher Crown Chakra, feeling the energy chakras activate along the energy channels, the Anima/Animus and the higher planetary understanding.
- Feel the higher planetary energies come through the corresponding chakras, feel them come through and permeate the energetic system. As they come through the energy system, fed up through the higher crown, start to rotate the chakras clockwise.
- When they are all rotate the same way close off, from deep base up, etheric then physical, taking a last breath to expel energy that is no longer needed.
- Feel the attunement and mark any changes for future reference as you come back out. Go on with your day or ritual purpose after coming back into yourself and dispelling the shield.
Platinum/White Light Attuements
The unfiltered Platinum/White ray, the universal ray corresponding to the planetary white light ray, is a versatile higher ray ideal for cleansing, purifying and shielding. As a pure light ray this is useful for the same reasons white light is, it is a pure, all purpose light. Use this for all the things you would use white light for.
Like the violet it is a positive, high frequency energy that should be respected. But this also means that this is highly useful against negative entities as it has the opposite effect of healing. This just shows how useful and effective this energy is once properly used as attuned, the instructions for which will be shown below. There are two attunements listed below, a deep and a short. It is reccommended you do the deep attunement first and maintain it, taking note of any blockages and changes in reflective journalling. The short one is good for attuning in-between and for special purposes, such as just before a ritual or if needed due to environmental reasons such as a lot of mechanical energy in a building to clean and re-attune your energy.
Deep Platinum/White Light Attunement
- Find a place that you will not be disturbed for about half an hour where you can be undisturbed for half an hour. Put up a shield, white light or crystalline being ideal. As you get to know it you can also use the higher level energetic shielding.
- Go into yourself and feel the physical chakras open, going into the energetic chakras through the spine. Feel the energetic chakras activate, focussing on the polaric Higher Crown Chakra
- Feel the chakra activate, feel the pure platinum/clear energy come through. Feed it down through the spine, opening the chakras one by one. As you do start to circulate clockwise. Keep on going until they all circulate at the same pace.
- Feel the chakras as they are, taking ten breaths to get rid of the unwanted energy each chakra, using breathing exercises if required.
- Close off one by one, taking a rotation anti-clockwise to close off after a final breath, etheric chakras, then the physical, from base to crown up.
- Take a moment to feel your energy as you come back out, noting differences, blocks and difficulties. Dispel shield to go on to do what you wish.
Short Platinum/White Light Attunement
- Find a place that you can sit or comfortably and put up a shield. White light or crystalline shield is ideal, but you can use the higher level shielding as you become familiar with it.
- Go into yourself and feel the physical chakras open, going into the energetic chakras through the spine. Feel the energetic chakras activate, focussing on the polaric Higher Crown Chakra
- Feel the chakra activate, feel the pure platinum/clear energy come through. Feed it down through the spine, opening the chakras one by one. As you do start to circulate clockwise. Keep on going until they all circulate at the same pace.
- Take a deep breath, feeling all the chakras, taking a deep breath to let go the energy that is no longer needed. Take a moment to note what it looks like.
- Close off the chakras, one turn anticlockwise, from base to crown, from the energetic to the physical.
- Take a moment to observe yourself, changes and any blocks as you come though to consciousness so they can be recorded later.
Kyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Arkhense
Universal Energy Shielding Techniques
One of the simplest areas to use universal energy in is in shielding. As a basic technique this is based on White light, a form of the clear/platinum energy. What we are doing here is extending this use to the specific forms of energy to further enhance our shielding capabilities. This is not something to be taken lightly, but can be used in all forms of shielding. The basics are the same as the White light shield or the crystalline shield if you wish to use it, but use the universal light colours instead.
This can be used in two ways, either using the full spectrum in layers as a form of spectral shielding, or tailoring your shielding by layers in one or more. As with any application, the energies will have the best place they are used, and who they were used by. For these purposes we can look at the correspondences as;
- Black – Heavy protection against negative entities, cutting cords and dispelling attacks when all else has failed. This is a powerful energy, being disintegration. It is also one that most will want to use only in extreme circumstances, but it is not as bad as you would think. It is as much a primal universal energy as any other, and good for defences against very evil and problematic foes as well as dark entities and astral predators. It is also good to use in banishings as a backup plan.
- Red – This level of universal life force is one that is the easiest to access through us and can be used as an extension of ourselves to invoke the universal life force. In terms of shielding this allows what amounts to effectively a physical barrier in the Astral and ethereal realms. This is good for astral predators, large attacks and those things that we cannot stop otherwise. A powerful technique, but one you should be careful with, it is good for the times you really need it.
- Blue – Perhaps the rarest colour to use in shielding, it acts as more of a mental shield to mental and psychological attacks. This is one that you will use less than the others, augmenting or alone, but a useful one nonetheless. Use if the attack is more mental, or 'In the mind' , or has elements of terror and intimidation.
- Pink – The level of Universal awareness, this is used both to soften the harder shielding colours such as black or red, but also can be used with great effectiveness against negative energy beings, for whom this energy has the opposite effect to shielding. This is a versatile energy, being able to be used to supplement or by itself if you wish to shield yourself without undue harm.
- Violet – This is perhaps the most versatile energy of the five of them. Use this to work with any to bolster, boost it, or by itself as a purer shielding energy. It is, like the pink, toxic to negative energy beings, which makes it as powerful as the black in this aspect. However, like all universal energies, not one to misuse at all. Use this with the clearest intentions because it is very powerful energy.
- Clear/Platinum – This unfilterd energy is the purest and can be used in any way the normal 'White Light' would, but on a higher frequency. This can be used by itself, not with the others as it is all amalgamated. Use this like normal white light with caution and clear intent.
The technique itself basically the same as the basic white light or Crystalline shield, expanding on the basic technique to create a more advanced, complex and powerful form of shield. This means it is done slightly differently to the original while drawing on the basic technique as a base. This allows the shielding to have the same basic effect on a higher level. Below will be two techniques, one for the basic light shielding and one for the crystalline. The differences are that the crystalline also reflects back at strange angles any harmful energy like a refractive surface to the source of origin and is useful if you feel yourself under direct attack. Both will have instructions for multi spectral shielding and for selective light ray shielding as well as how to use the highest white by itself, as an amalgamation of all of them.
Basic Clear/Platinum Light Shielding
Like the white light shield, this is a good emergency and all purpose shield that has the advantage of cleansing as well as shielding, so is useful in an emergency response to an attack or negative environment especially.
- Go into yourself and feel your higher crown, up above your crown. Feel that pure white light come down.
- Form the white light into a ball, feel it compact down. Bring it into your centre and feel it at your centre, softly come through.
- Expand out the energy in a ball around your aura and you. Feel it envelop you, feel it push out any harmful energy as you do.
- If you wish to wear it fell the edge of your aura. Snap it to your aura, close the circuit.
- When no longer needed dispel back to the universe and thank it.
Multi Spectral Layered Shielding
This type of shielding has a layer each of each energy, with a protective inner layer of black disintegration energy and the rest arrayed above it, violet on the outside. More complex, this draws on all the layers of shielding from all the associated chakras to create a layered shielding effect. Not as fast, this is best if you have time and space, but can also be used for a powerful cleansing and energising effect when under attack or in negative environments.
- Go into yourself and feel your chakras, one by one from the Earth Star to the Crown. Attune to them quickly up the line from earth start to the crown..
- Once attuned feel the universal correspondences. This is Earth star for the Black, Base for the Red, Throat for the blue, Heart for the Pink and Crown for violet. Bring through a ball of each as you go, in each chakra
- Now, attune again. Pick up your ball of black energy from the earth star, coating with the red ball on your way up. Do the same with the blue, coating with the blue, then the same with the pink. Bring the ball up finally to the crown, coating it with the violet. Feel this layered ball pulsating for a moment.
- Taking the ball, bring it into your centre. Feel it come out in a sphere, ceasing and energising any negative energy that may be in your energy system.
- If you wish to wear this, or use it for a time fit to your aura, feeling the edges, and close the circuit on the ball, feeling each layer snap through.
- Go about your ritual or day, thanking the universe when you dispel.
Selective Spectrum Layered Shielding
The most complex of the three methods, this involves the user selecting the layers they want rather than using them all. While the same procedure is used, the universal energy that is bought through is selected by the user for it's effect. This allows the user to create the effect they want or need for a specific purpose. In doing this you are customising your shielding to your purpose. This is more advanced, but good for purposes such as shielding specific places and the self for rituals that invoke particular energies. Use this when you need to, but ensure that you have mastered the two above, especially the multi spectral shielding before you attempt this.
- Go into yourself and feel your chakras. Feel their connection and flow.
- Allow in the universal energies, feeling the connection.
- Focus on the colour correspondence you wish to use. This is;
- Black for Disintegration, recycling and letting go.
- Red for Universal life-force, shielding and strengthening life-force
- Blue for Mental shielding and mental abilities, regeneration
- Pink for Awareness level and perception shielding and healing
- Violet for Higher cleansing, protection from negative entities and understanding of your path.
- Bring your chosen energy, or energies into a ball of energy, one by one from the Earth Start Chakra up.
- Bringing the chosen Chakras and energies into focus again, stack them up in a ball, from earth start chakra up, taking your time to ensure that you understand their combination.
- Bring them into your centre, expanding the ball out, feeling the layers cleanse, purify and shield.
- If you wish to leave it close the circuit after you fit to your aura.
- Dispel when no longer needed in the opposite direction, thanking the universe for the energy.
Crystalline Platinum/Crystal Shield
This is much the same as the white light shield, accept it adds an element of crystalline, refractive surface to the outside to help deflect harm back. To be used at times a little but of extra protection is needed, this is a good technique to work with when you are under attack, either by an astral or incarnate being. It works by deflecting the harm back though the prisms on the outside surface, which are much like the centre of a geode, adding to the protection already afforded by the shield.
- Go into yourself and feel your higher crown, up above your crown. Feel that pure white light come down.
- Form the white light into a ball, feel it compact down.
- Feeling the smooth, spherical surface of your ball of energy. Keeping in mind the rough, prismatic edges of the inside of a crystal geode, change the outside of your ball to this texture. Feel the final texture, ensure that you are happy with it.
- Bring your roughened ball of energy into your centre and feel it at your centre, softly come through.
- Expand out the energy in a ball around your aura and you. Feel it envelop you, feel it push out any harmful energy as it expands, pushing them out with the edges, clearing and cleansing you.
- If you wish to wear it fell the edge of your aura. Snap it to your aura, close the circuit.
- When no longer needed dispel back to the universe and thank the universe for the energy.
Multi Spectrum Crystalline Shielding
Like the Platinum white shield above this has the prismatic effect of the inside of a crystal geode. Unlike the above shield, it adds extra layers of protection in that each layer is prismatic, adding one on the other. One to use in ceremonies where you need serenity and calm and under attack. Harder to put up, but worth it with practice, this allows a very good level of protection when dealing with very problematic threats.
- Go into yourself and feel your chakras, one by one from the Earth Star to the Crown. Attune to them quickly up the line from earth start to the crown..
- Once attuned feel the universal correspondences. This is Earth star for the Black, Base for the Red, Throat for the blue, Heart for the Pink and Crown for violet. Bring through a ball of each as you go, in each Chakra.
- Back from your earth star chakra, feel each ball. Feel the smooth surface of each energy sphere in order, remembering the feeling of the inside of a crystal geode roughen up the surface. Feel your surface, when you are happy each go onto the next till you have done all, including the Crown Chakra.
- Attune again and pick up your ball of black energy from the earth star, coating with the red ball on your way up, ensuring the reflective surface remains on the outside. Do the same with the blue, coating with the blue, then the same with the pink. Bring the ball up finally to the crown, coating it with the violet. Feel this layered ball pulsating for a moment.
- Taking the completed ball, bring it into your centre. Feel it come out in a sphere, refractive surfaces pushing harm away, cleansing and energising any negative energy that may be in your energy system.
- If you wish to wear this, or use it for a time fit to your aura, feeling the edges, and close the circuit on the ball, feeling each layer snap through.
- Go about your ritual or day, thanking the universe when you dispel.
Specific Spectrum Crystalline Light Shield
As with the previous Spectrum shielding, this has the added protection of crystalline surfaces on each layer, projecting harm away. This is good for specific attacks, cord cutting (on link levels) and other purposes where specific harms are being banished. For the worst, or general harms black is best. Otherwise look at the colour correspondences both here and in the instructions or above in the general introduction to the higher level shielding techniques.
- Go into yourself and feel your chakras. Feel their connection and flow.
- Allow in the universal energies, feeling the connection.
- Focus on the colour correspondence you wish to use. Black for Disintegration, recycling and letting go. Red for Universal life-force, shielding and strengthening life-force. Blue for Mental shielding and mental abilities, regeneration. Pink for Awareness level and perception shielding and healing. Violet for Higher cleansing, protection from negative entities and understanding of your path.
- Bring your chosen energy, or energies into a ball of energy, one by one from the Earth Star Chakra up.
Once again, working from your Earth star Chakra, feel the smooth surface of each energy sphere. Bring into mind the rough surface of the inside of a geode and replicate, roughing up your energy sphere. When happy with your surface move onto the next you are using, from Earth Star to Crown, till all are done. - Bringing the chosen Chakras and energies into focus again, stack them up in a ball, ensuring at all times the reflective surface is on the outside of each layer. Go from earth star chakra up, taking your time to ensure that you understand their combination.
- Bring them into your centre, expanding the ball out, feeling the layers cleanse, purify and shield, feeling the crystalline walls dispel and protect you from negative energy.
- If you wish to leave it close the circuit after you fit to your aura.
Kyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Arkhense
Energy Projection - Basic Ritual of higher energies
This technique, perhaps the simplest will end up being the versatile one you use the most as you project these energies out into ritual work. This is because when you project you bring the energy out to use and mould as you wish. This could be into a crystal, this could be into a circle, anything.
As you start to use it you will understand the versatility of this. You will be able to use this to bring out the energy and mould it to do what you wish to do. This is allows you to project out the energy so you can mould it to what you wish. By now you would have read several times the meanings of these energies. The way that the Higher Planetary Life Force taps into the life blood of the Ethereal, the way the Higher energies connect you with the universe. Whatever the tradition and techniques this can still be used, looking at dual correspondences. For instance, cord cuttings and bindings go well with black energy. Physical healing could also go well with the red to strengthen life force. If you understand both the possibilities are endless.
As with all of the techniques with this energy, respect it. Be clear, properly attuned and plan out. Read the information above on the energy, look at your tradition and the way that you do spell work and work from there using this basic framework. Some specific techniques I use may be put up over time, but use these as a guide as all will be different in how they use this energy unless they really resonate with you. At times pre-planning may work, but at other times this may end up being better more free-form.
There are two types of basic energy projection, from the self and from a designated summoning space in a defined ritual area. Both take attunement and concentration as well as understanding what you are doing. They will produce the same result, the difference will be in your space set-up, your reasons for working with it, and how you feel working with it. Take some time with some minor rituals and uses to get comfortable with it, get used to it before using this in major work and you will get the best results for you.
Self Energy Projection
- Put up a shield of your choice, or stand in a shielded ritual space.
- Go into yourself and open up your chakras, physical, then the energetic.
- Tune into the energy you wish to use, focussing on that part of your energy system. Feel it come through to your hands, into a ball, ready to be shaped. Shape according to need or plan, feel it charge.
- Once charged, let it go. Feel it take effect. Monitor for a minute.
- When you are happy, let it go, closing the circuit and move onto next part of ritual or close off.
Outside Ritual Projection
- When standing in a designated ritual area bring up crystalline white light shield in a cone.
- Once cone is established turn the cone into a cylinder. Feel it connect from earth to sky.
- Focussing on the colour and energy of what you wish, or your plan, bring the chosen energy through. Feel it form in the cylinder, start to shape it.
- Once shaped, bring out into the world and complete your ritual, or the relevant part of your ritual.
- To close summoning cylinder first collapse into cone, then into the ground, smaller and smaller.
- Go on with next part of ritual or close off your ritual space when done.