
Choosing a Reader

In  our times of stress, or if we are at a time that we need guidance, we will go for a reading to create a sense of certainty, or perhaps what's happening next. But not all readers are created equal...

There are those that will be better than others. Even among good readers, you as a person will click with better than others, same with the different methods of divination. As we walk through life we all click with different people, it is the same with readers. Also with methods - As readers are drawn to different methods of divination (Runes for me, for instance) those who are being read for will also have the same thing. Different readings are good for different times as well. So there is a range of options you have at times in your journey.

The first part is to identify an honest, good reader. There are some red flags that you should watch for. The first one is someone saying they have your answers, or the solutions for your problems. This is a massive red flag. As the web or Wyrd (or however you see the web of energies around us) is constantly shifting and changing fast at the moment, this is not actually possible. It is also a mark of manipulation that you should watch. The information in readings is meant to help you make empowered and informed choices, not to take your agency away. For these two reasons, watch those that have all the answers. Other flags are being asked too many questions, especially one on one, among others. But the biggest part is how you feel comfortable with a person. If you are not, and indeed you feel unsafe, this is the biggest clue of all. You should feel safe and secure with a good reader, who should have good communications skills. Like the practice of Astrology, there is an element of counseling in it. For this reason, you should feel safe and secure, not manipulated. If you do feel manipulated, they are not a good reader. Find one that is.

But please note that good readers do sometimes draw blanks. They could be blocked that day, or you may not be meant to know something. If the energy is unclear, or something else is happening a good reader will tell you. This is a part of the process when the energy is not clear around someone - Not giving misinformation. So if this is the case that is not a bad reading, it is reflecting what is happening at the time.

The next part of the decision is to choose a system of divination or reading. While there are much more common forms of reading such as Tarot or Pyscic readings, there are so many others out there. Different readers will use different tools such as Oracle or Tarot cards or a clear crystal ball to name a few common methods. The crystal ball, made of a clear, flawless form of crystal, is a focus for the reader, like a mirror. Palmistry or tea/coffee reading are some other very traditional, well known methods. Oracle cards, free form sets of cards each differently defined by the author are tools that harness intuition. Same as Tarot cards, which are a defined set of seventy eight cards with four suits and the major arcana. But there are different forms of divination that can be used by a reader including the I Ching, Runes (Which I use) and intuitive channeling and mediumship. The use of a pendulum (Which I also use) is another common divination tool. Each form of reading has a different application. For instance, to contact a dead loved one when bereaved a psychic reading would be appropriate. At times when you are at a crossroads and need to understand the future tides of energy and your coming options, a tarot or rune reading might be more appropriate. There are also readers such as medical intiuitives who specialise in diagnosing illness who are appropriate at times of medical crisis.

The last part, of course here, is comfort. Choose a reader who has a system that you are comfortable with for your reading that is appropriate for your time in life and question. If you are not comfortable with the way a reader works, the reading will not work well for you. Trust your intuition on the right form of reading for you at that point in your life.

The last part of course is to find the right person to read for you. This is because there is an element of the interpersonal relationship in a reading. It may seem cool, or really good to get a star, or top reader, but at the same time if you don't resonate with them inter-personally then the reading may not work as well as you thought. On the other hand, you could mesh with a far less known reader who gives you the information to launch you on your new path. Here your own personal intuition on this and work with it. Many places have multiple readers who all have different lineages and methods. Some readers also use different methods. For instance, I can work in the form of energy reading, rune reading or using second sight in a form of psychic reading. Another reader I know can use either mediumship or Tarot cards. The method that an individual person works on may be a part of this fit. This is going to be a personal choice for each client, so this is unlimited possibility here. At the end of the day, each will be up to you.

So, if you are drawn to a reading, or a reader, trust that. And choose using your intuition ad comfort level. That way, you will get the most benefit from the interaction and create the best results for you moving on.

Khel'Shen Akh'Hon Kyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar